I don't have time to post! Sorry you all! I've been so incredibly busy working, shadowing at the hospital, and doing treatment. I haven't had the energy or time to do any creative recipe creating. I've just been in a cooking slump, I suppose. I've pretty much been living off juice, homemade chicken soup, roasted veggies, avocados, plantains, and almonds. I'll work on getting the kitchen juices flowing again. Please hang in there until I do!
And guess what else? I've relapsed a bit. We caught it before I completely crashed but I'm back on that treatment train.
YUP, back on ALL the supplements and back to the big pill container plus taking something every couple hours and timing all my meals around medications. I'm trying my hardest to avoid antibiotics but I will be taking Byron White's herbal drops for Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella. I'll also be doing ozone IV's, glutathione pushes, Meyer's cocktails, and phosphytidal choline drips. (Yesss, my favorite, needles and IV's! I miss my picc line at times like this…). I'll probably be starting B12 shots again. I just can't avoid those needles, can I? Luckily I've been through it all before. I started A-L (BW's Lyme formula) this past weekend. I did a challenge dose of 5 drops which had me HERXING! Let me tell you. I was EXHAUSTED, body aches, headaches, head pressure, felt like death, the usual, ya know. My doctor had originally wanted me to do a challenge dose of 15 drops. Jokes on him. Thank goodness I opted for 5.
So basically my life looks like this: Take massive amounts of pills, drops, and other gross liquids. Detox as much as possible (FIR sauna 3-4x a week, castor oil pack when I can, dry brush, juice). NAP DAILY! IV's every Friday. Eat very VERY little sugar (blueberries a few times a week because I need to feed my sweet tooth somehow) and 110% paleo. Take some more gross liquids and starve for 45 minutes until I can eat since everything always has to be taken on an empty stomach. Sleep. Oh, and I fit work in there somewhere too. Luckily my jobs rock. 🙂
Anyway, short and sweet but just wanted to update all you amazingly supportive people. When I told my Grandma this weekend that I was back on Lyme treatment she got very mad at the Lyme. So maybe if we all get very mad at the Lyme it will get scared and go back into hiding. Thanks in advance for being mad at Lyme for me ;). I'll work on some recipe creating soon!
Miss Diagnoses says
Your grandma rocks! I will get mad at your Lyme if you will get mad at mine. Who knows, maybe this is the secret? If we succeed we will write a book and be interviewed and famous and whatnot. 🙂
The Person Next to You says
Sorry that you have to be back on treatment, but happy you caught it before you did a huge back-slide. It is maddening!
chronically undiagnosed says
You have an admirable positive approach to this madness called Lyme. Thanks for sharing. I'm already mad at everything so count me in.
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Thank you! Sending love and healing!
Kenzie Busch says
Hi Victoria, I am truly relate to your story of pills, liquids, shots, sauna, ozone, Byron white, etc. etc. I feel like I have done it all but not in remission yet. Thank you for creating a blog that gives us lymies cooking ideas and advice for a healthier life. Your rockin it girl. Rarr at Lyme!
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Ahh yes, we are in the same boat :). I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with the same thing but it's always nice to meet other lymies and have extra support. Glad to hear you enjoy my blog! Stay in touch- keep kicking Lyme butt!