If you aren't subscribed to me on Youtube, you should be. I haven't been announcing here every time I post a video and if you don't want to miss one, head on over to my channel and click that red subscribe button!
My Youtube is filled with tips and tricks for healing Lyme, some food stuff, and a few random videos for fun on occasion :).
I posted this video a few weeks back but wanted to make sure you all saw it. Detox baths are one of my favorite ways to, well, detox, also to relax and even help kill Lyme!
oncebittenbella says
Any advice on cleaning up the tub after these baths? I have a large tub, and it's not always easy for me to clean. Any advice on making it easier? Any of these baths easier to clean up than others? Thanks!
Lemons 'n Lyme says
I always rinse off in the shower after my baths and that seems to clean it up fine. Or I just splash clean water around leftover residue right after my bath. If i'm CLEANING my bath I use a mix of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and wipe it down.