So, it's been awhile. As you all are fully aware.
Lyme + IV + school= NO time (actually it equals exhaustion and no energy to blog),
Anyway, I'm here to provide an update on my life! I finally finished finals so I am done with school the semester. I am so excited to be heading home for a month where I'll be able to relax, spend time with the family, and focus on healing.
Let's start with treatment/Lyme stuff first, shall we?
I'm still on IV abx, on two different ones, actually. Plus a million oral abx. I see my doctor Monday and something has got to change, I'm on too many drugs! I hate it. The month or two before Thanksgiving it felt like the IV was helping and I was finally getting somewhere. But since Thanksgiving I have been dead! By dead, I mean exhausted and symptoms I haven't had since I first got really sick (since before I started treatment!) have come out. It's kind of scary. There are things I was experiencing two years ago that were frightening to me and once I started treatment completely went away. I thought I had beat those off. Now they are back and I'm ON treatment. It's frustrating to say the least.
I have been doing a lot of research (as most Lymies do), specifically with regards to more natural and holistic approaches to treatment. I honestly believe antibiotics themselves can't cure Lyme and are only a piece of the puzzle. I'm hoping to develop a game plan over break on how to attack Lyme. It's all just very exhausting (on top of already being super exhausted!).
When I saw my LLMD over Thanksgiving break we did mold testing and virus testing so I am looking forward to hearing what the results of those tests when I see my doc on Monday. My LLMD hasn't been happy with progress and is wondering if there is something else getting in the way of treatment (like mold toxicity). I kind of hope there is so that we can address that and move on.
Okay, next is diet:
I've been an advocate of paleo. I mean, part of the reason I started this blog was to share recipes. But I've started to transition into a raw diet. I've read and heard personal stories about the healing effects of a raw diet. A month ago I met a lady who evaded chemo for her breast cancer by using a completely holistic approach and specifically by juicing and eating raw. I've read many accounts online, as well. I also have recently met a Lymie who went raw as a last ditch effort because nothing else was working and she was able to get of antibiotics! I'm aiming to be about 75% raw (for now) as I do think there is a place for some animal protein and fish in one's diet. I guess you could say I am going to be paleo-raw because I still will not be eating legumes, soy, or many grains (just buckwheat and occasionally rice). I will try to get some recipes up over break and I promise to keep you guys updated about how it is going! OH, I have also been juicing daily. So far I am at one big green juice a day. I know I need to juice even more then that but 1) It's expensive to buy all those veggies and I'm a college student not working and 2) it's a time and energy thing for me at this point. But mainly number 1 (you guys can donate to my juicing fund if you want 😉 ).
I kind of feel like I'm turning into a hippy.... I'm juicing, I'm eating almost raw vegan, and I've been doing some yoga (since it's all I have the energy for). Ha!
Um, so what else? Random stuff:
Over the past 6 months I have met some AMAZING people with Lyme. I'm so blessed to have them in my life and to have gotten to know them. I appreciate all of their support and every one of my readers support, as well! You all are awesome.
I may be MIA on here but I am very active on my instagram (@lemonsnlyme). So, if you miss me I would head over there and follow me!
I really am hoping to post more over break so if there is anything you guys are interested in hearing about, let me know!
Last but not least... HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING?! Leave a comment or shoot me an email and give me a little update about you're life. I do genuinely care and I also love to hear from you all.
We are going to end this post with a picture of a cute puppy I got to puppy sit... because puppies are cute and will always cheer you up!
webstersofia says
You've been in school and doing IV? Props! That's amazing and I applaud you for being able to do that!
I can't do that at all! I've been avoiding IV because I'm too scared to do it since I'm in school too. Hope your next LLMD appointment goes well!
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Yes, it's been a lot for sure! I purposely started IV over the summer so I had a month to adjust before school started. It honestly hasn't been as bad as I thought to deal with the IV but as with any med, herxing sucks! Thank you- I'm really hoping I get a good game plan together after my LLMD appointment!
compostingwords says
I hope you enjoy your break and have a chance to relax and recharge. I hope those resurfacing symptoms don't stick around very long and you feel you are back on the road of healing from Lyme. Great to see your post. Was wondering how you were.
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Thank you! I'm hoping they don't stick around either, we will see what my LLMD says tomorrow. Happy holidays!
compostingwords says
Happy Holidays to you too!
Kayla Marie says
It's good to hear an update from you, although I wish that your symptoms were backing off and not ramping up! Ugh, Lyme can be so confusing that way. I'm excited to see what your next steps will be, I've researched so much about the natural route and am ways here to help if I can! I tried antibiotics for about a year and got nothing but candida and H. Pylori, I also believe that antibiotics are only one piece of the puzzle and that often there are other factors contributing to the disease picture (ie mold toxicity, hormone inbalances, thyroid issues, adrenal insufficiency, etc, etc). Have you read Horowitz's new book yet? Also loved Beyond Lyme by Connie Strashiem, it speaks to all of the issues I mentioned above.
Wishing you the best, enjoy the holidays and your time at home!
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Hey Kayla! You're doing an all natural protocol now aren't you?
Funny you mentioned all the other factors, I just got mold and virus testing results back yesterday, I have thyroid issues, and I'm starting heavy metal testing next week. I'll do a post about all of this! I haven't read Dr. Horowitz's book yet but I know I'm getting it for chris as and I can't wait :). My doctor even told me yesterday to make sure I read it. I'll have to check out Beyond Lyme, too. I actually think I asked for that one for Xmas, also!
Thanks for the warm wishes! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and feel well enough to enjoy it!
jeanvieve7 says
With all my diet restrictions I am kind of default Paleo, and I have also tried Raw. Raw is a lot of work so I don't incorporate it very often. I think it can be exhausting for someone who is already tired. But it is a great idea. I don't see why you can't do both back and forth, it would be great for your health
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Raw is tough and I'm not great at it but I do what I can and at least eat paleo! I'm hoping being strict with a paleo-raw diet will help a loy