What's that? It looks like the last of some really milky coffee, huh?
Nope. It's heaven. It's the cure for EVERYTHING!
My roommate convinced her grandma to let us have the juicer. That my friend, is a ginger shot. Pure joy. You take a giant hunk of ginger, put in the juicer, then down it like a shot. You need a chaser, though, don't doubt that. I usually use orange juice. It helps with stomach aches, headaches, and general blah feeling. Seriously wakes up your senses! Down one of those first thing in the AM and I AM UP. We are genius's 🙂
On another note, I had a phone consultation with my Lyme specailist this morning who went over my blood results. My IGM and IGG came back negative according to the company, but my doctor said when she looked at it, she read it as positive. They also saw the organisms for Bartonella when they did my Fry Smear- woohoo! RESULTS. My thyroid is low again, so I'm upping my medication for that. My blood sugar levels were also apparently high, so I am to strictly avoid carbs and sweets. Good thing my roommate and I just started our 21 day sugar detox!
Of course, two days into it we were already craving brownies 😉 So we made a late night run to whole foods for ingredients to make sugar free, paleo brownies. We followed this recipe from Health-bent.com, with a few substitutions. Instead of the sweetner we added about ⅓-1/2 cup applesauce and 2 tbs. coconut flour. I also added in ½ teaspoon of baking powder. Not my favorite recipe... needs tweaking/I like flour based recipes better. Still satisfies the chocolate craving minus the sugar. Added banana and raspberries on top, which helped!
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