I've been wanting to do a series on how to keep your life "natural" aka non-toxic. So, I'm finally going to be doing a 3-part series on the products I use in my home and on me to maintain a non-toxic (or lower-toxic) life/environment.
Part 1: Hygiene/Body care- all the basics from soap to shampoo
Part 2: Household products- how to make cleaning products at home without the toxic load and how I lower my exposure to toxins from things like tap water
Part 3: Beauty- My tips and tricks for non-toxic make up, hair spray, and more.
This series will be spread over the next few months. So let's get started with part 1 today! Not all of the products I use are the absolute cleanest, but I have to balance cost with toxic-load. Therefore, I try and find the cleanest products I can within my budget. I also like to make a lot of my own products but sometimes that can be more of a hassle, so I want to show you what you can find in the store. I'm sharing those products with you today and I hope you find it useful if you are also on a budget. All products are $10 or under.
1. Face Lotion: I have extremely sensitive skin and for a very long time I could only use one, very toxic, face lotion without breaking out. I finally found a brand I like that is less toxic AND gluten-free! This isn't 100% the cleanest product on the market but it's pretty good, free of some of the worst offenders, and my skin handles it alright.
2. Body wash: Again, sensitive skin Sally here! I needed something that would minimize break outs, keep my skin from drying out, and get me clean. I like how simple this product is and it smells amazing! My favorite flavor is the tangerine or the vanilla.
3. Body Lotion: This product does the trick but another favorite for me is straight up coconut oil! Coconut oil can feel a little greasy until it soaks in and sometimes you don't have the time to wait, so using a body lotion can be easier. Coconut oil can also clog pores and since my skin is very sensitive, it isn't always the best option for me. This one is pretty clean and seems to hydrate my skin well (another problem I have- very dry skin).
4. Deodorant: The deodorant I use is made locally here in Santa Fe so I'm not going to share that brand (but for all of my Lymie Santa Feans, it's the one sold at my doctors office ;)). I suggest making your own unless you have an awesome apothecary near by and they make deodorant (cough FORT COLLINS I LOVE YOU cough). Pretty much all deodorants in the store are filled with nasty chemicals that you shouldn't been putting on your skin, especially directly on top of your lymph nodes. There are a few brands out there that you can get your hands on in the big grocery stores sometimes, though, like this one
1. Shampoo: This isn't my favorite shampoo but it was on sale (2 for 1!) last month so I had to take advantage of it. I've struggled to find a non-toxic shampoo that actually works and isn't a thousand dollars (I have hair that is SUPER greasy on top and SUPER dry on the bottom and is on the thinner side). If you have any suggestions shoot 'em at me! But, this stuff still does the trick and I found my hair has been better since I've worked to not shampoo every day and installed a shower filter. The water really does make all the difference. More on that in a later post 😉
2. Conditioner: I'm pretty nonchalant about conditioner. If it's non-toxic, I'll take it. Conditioner is conditioner to me. This was another 2 for 1 deal. Again, any conditioner suggestions send them my way.
3. Coconut oil: 1-2x/week I smother the ends of my hair in coconut oil, tie it up in a bun, and chill out for 30-60 minutes before washing the oil out. This helps protect my hair, add pack in some moisture (I do live in the desert), and keep it shiny and soft. Basically it's a non-toxic deep conditioning treatment for your hair! You can feel free to really massage it into your scalp and whole head of hair if you have dry hair or dandruff. My scalp is quite oily so I avoid that and only put the oil on my ends.
1. Toothpaste: There are a handful of good toothpastes on the market these days. Yes, you can very easily make your own but sometimes you just don't want to deal with the hassle of that. Whenever I buy toothpaste, I look out for fluoride, gums, and sugars on the ingredients label. I've always loved Dr. Bronner's products (so clean!) so I was quite excited when they came out with a toothpaste. I've tried a lot of natural toothpastes and this is by far my favorite one.
2. Coconut oil: I use coconut oil for oil pulling, an all-natural method for keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy! I plan to do a separate post or YouTube video about it but for now you can click on that link to learn more. Have you figured out yet that coconut oil is the miracle product?! If I was stuck on a desert island I'd want a roll of duct tape and a jar of coconut oil!
I hope this gives you all some ideas if you are struggling to transition your products from toxic to non-toxic ones.
Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! What are your favorite toxin-free products for staying clean? Are you sensitive like me?
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