I know I promised you all a full update a couple months ago and that never happened. Well, here we are, I'm finally making it happen!
First things first, blog updates. You may have noticed I updated the look of the blog. I also added a page called 'Affiliate/Discount Links'. This page contains all my affiliate links and discount codes to different brands. I'm became an Amazon affiliate recently which means that if you go through my link to purchase your Amazon orders, I will make a small percentage. This is at NO extra cost to you but it helps me pay for Lyme treatment. So, it would mean A LOT if you'd take the time to go through that one extra step before ordering. I'll be updating this page periodically as I try and get discount codes for you all to some of my favorite products :). Keep checking that page regularly! And make sure you follow me on Instagram because that is where I can keep you all updated quickly and easily.
Also, be sure you are email subscribed to my blog so you never miss a post or recipe! You can do this by scrolling down on the right hand side of the page to where it says Follow Blog via Email and sign up. You can also catch all posts, recipes, and extra articles or fun things I post by following Lemons 'N Lyme on Facebook.
Alright, on to ME. If you missed my post on Instagram about what has been going on the last few months... well, you shouldn't have because you should be following me on IG ;). Anyways, in early August I moved to Denver to settle in and begin graduate school. I started seeing a new Lyme doctor in the area and began a herbal protocol. I discussed this whole protocol in a YouTube video if you are interested in learning a little more.
Well, two weeks into school I had to withdraw because my health just couldn't handle it. It was an extreme blow and a huge loss for me. Another loss I had to try and grieve and it hasn't been easy. I decided to try and start working part time and again, on the second week I had to quit. My fatigue, digestive issues, and anxiety have been pretty debilitating. It was another hit to the gut (figuratively and literally!).
I'm now back, almost, to square one trying to figure out what to do and what is going on with my body. I have been continuing on the herbal protocol for now until I see my doctor again in November. I've been testing out laser therapy which is supposed to increase the production of stem cells, increase mitochondrial function, and help heal the brain. I've only had 3 sessions so I haven't noticed much yet.
I also saw an immunologist recently who is doing a whole slew of tests to try and figure out what is going on with my immune system, if he can help, and to see if I qualify for IVIG. Many of you may already know what that is but for those who don't it's essentially like getting a donor immune system! You do IV's of immunoglobulins, which are the cells that comprise your immune system. If I end up doing IVIG I can talk much more about it.
I've been focused on finding answers, doing some mental/emotional healing, and working on lots of fun recipes and projects for you all! Definitely be sure to follow me on Instagram because I have a few giveaways coming up for the holiday season and I wouldn't want you to miss out on any of them.
Let me know what you want to see and if there are certain recipes you are keen on me making (a remake of your favorite pumpkin bread? holiday dishes?). I hope all of you are hanging in there and, as always, I'm sending lots of love your way <3
Patty says
Victoria, my warmest hugs of support across the miles to you. Finding our place in the busy world post Lyme diagnosis is not an easy one. I am currently on my first 'vacation' since my diagnosis over 3 years ago. Past are the days of non stop walking and touring but I have reclaimed part of my former self in smaller doses. Walking a kilometre down a beach is now replaced with walking 100 meters, but doing it is an accomplishment all the same. Enjoying the moment is what is more important now.
Lemons 'n Lyme says
Thank you so much for your support! Finding our place post Lyme diagnosis is very difficult. And I keep getting curve balls, but I guess I'm just learning better and better how to deal with them. That is very exciting about your vacation, no matter how small! I'm glad you are able to enjoy yourself and find new ways to appreciate the places you visit.